Yorba Linda High School Mobile App Development Apps

National Adventures 1.0.0
Hop abroad a journey of a life time thatwilllast forever. My app consists of the 20 most visited nationalparksin the United States. This app will include information abouteachnational park,rss feed about news in the national parkservice,common activities to entertain travelers, maps of whereeachnational park is located, weather of each, andhistoricalinformation about national parks.
YLHS Zootopia Tutorial 1.1
This application is designed toprovideadditional insight on the animated film Zootopia, goingoverdetails such as the basic synopsis, the major characters,symbols,and themes prevalent in the film.Created by Jasmine Y.
YLHS Bass Guitar tutorial 1.0
Learn the Bass guitar history and how toplay.This app show the history, equipment, how to, and also themaker ofthe bass guitar. This is a informational app that show factandimage about the guitar with tips on how to play and so on.-by Ben R.